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Options (One option per line)
Sushi Sandwiches Salad Soup Spaghetti Stew
Amount of winners
Password (for closing the poll)
Voting System
Ranked Voting
Voters can rank as many options as they'd like.
A great voting system
for voting on more than 2 options.
Approval Voting
Voters can approve as many options as they'd like. The options with most approvals are the winners.
Veto Ranked Voting
Like Ranked Voting, but a given percentage of voters must rank an option for it to be considered.
100% needs to rank an option for it to count
90% needs to rank an option for it to count
80% needs to rank an option for it to count
70% needs to rank an option for it to count
60% needs to rank an option for it to count
50% needs to rank an option for it to count
40% needs to rank an option for it to count
30% needs to rank an option for it to count
20% needs to rank an option for it to count
10% needs to rank an option for it to count
Voters choose their favorite option.
Use at your own peril.
Hide Results Until Closed
Makes Ballots Public
IP Duplication Checking
Cookie Duplication Checking
Require Captcha
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